amhsr-open access medicla research journals

Kishore J

Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi - 110 002, India


  • Original Article   
    Awareness, Practices and Treatment Seeking Behavior of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Delhi
    Author(s): Kishore J, Kohli C*, Gupta N, Kumar N and Sharma PK

    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a multisystem disorder that is associated with number of complications. Patient’s awareness and practices are crucial components in reducing the burden of diseases and its complications. Aim: To assess patient’s knowledge about their disease and its complications, practices, treatment seeking behavior and average expenditure incurred by its management. Subjects and Methods: A community based crossâÂÃ?Â?ÂÃ?Â?sectional study was conducted in rural and urban slum areas of Delhi selecting a total of 98 diabetic patients diagnosed during the two community surveys and interviewed using pretested and predesigned questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS software, version 17 (Chicago II, USA). ChiâÂÃ?Â?ÂÃ?Â?square, fisher or Mann–Whitney tests were used for test of significance and considered stat.. Read More»

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a bi-monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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