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Hearing Pattern of a Brazilian Population Group in the State of Para


Enzo Crispino Calheiros, Moises Felipe Silva da Conceicao, Miguel Chamoso Gilsanz Neto, Caio Vinicius Botelho Brito and Silvana Nobre de Assis Maziviero*

Objectives: The objective of the present study was to characterize the audiological profile of a population in the Amazon, using data from the results of audiometry. Methods: The study is characterized by being a crosssectional, observational and retrospective study, with descriptive and analytical analysis. The research was carried out in a private clinic of the region. Findings: From the patients evaluated, about 57% had hearing loss. From patients with hearing loss, about 66% were female and 34% were male. A few more than 60% of patients with hearing loss were 60 years old or older. In the group of patients with hearing loss, about 75% had bilateral loss and 25% unilateral. About 60% had mild hearing loss, 30% moderate and 10% had moderately severe, severe or profound hearing loss. In the group with hearing loss, 84% had sensory loss, 7% had conductive loss and 9% had mixed loss. Conclusion: Bilateral and sensorineural hearing loss were more prevalent when compared to unilateral and conductive hearing loss. Although more hearing loss was found in elderly patients, statistical significance was noticed only by correlating mild losses with the early adulthood age group. The present study appears as a starting point for the approach of the Amazonian population by other studies.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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